This 1500 Litre Platin Indirect Rainwater Harvesting System is designed to go underground and supply water to both home and garden. With the Platin Indirect Rainwater Harvesting System, there is a pressure-sensitive pump located in the underground tank, when a valve or tap is opened water will be pumped under pressure until the valve is closed. This allows the system to repressurise turning the power off to the pump. The water is gravity-fed from the Header Tank to the toilets, washing machine etc and is all automatic. Whenever there is a demand for water, the harvested rainwater will be gravity fed to the toilet from the header tank and then the pump inside the underground tank tops up the header tank.
Key Benefits
- Simple & quick to install
- Submersible pump supplies harvested rainwater on demand to the header tank where it is then gravity-fed to the WCs & washing machine
- The header tank controls the operation of the system
- Dual valve system within the header tank prioritises rainwater supply over mains water, maximising the use of all available rainwater to save on mains water consumption
- Mains water switchover point is at a lower level in the header tank and becomes operational when rainwater is not available from the underground Platin tank
- Mains water backup supply is not reliant on power supply or pump pressure and therefore guarantees supply of water to WCs at all times
Popular Uses
- Flushing Toilets
- Washing Machines
- Garden Irrigation
- Outside Garden Tap
- Telescopic lid (choice of telescopic lid available, depending on tank location)
- Minimax filter supplied in accordance with the type of tank
- Submersible pump with floating water intake
- Float switch (connected from mains water backup unit to the underground tank)
- Header tank package
Additional Components Required For Installation (Not supplied)
- 100mm diameter duct pipe to contain; float sensor cable, power cable for the pump, also bringing mains water to underground tank as and when required.
- 100mm diameter drainage pipe connected from downpipes to the inlet at the top of the tank (all downpipes brought into one pipe for connection to the filter.
- 100mm diameter pipe for overflow from the tank to mains drainage network